Our suite of IPSAS training programmes include:
IPSAS Training Programme
Our Executive Training Courses/ Study Tour on IPSAS Implementation
Our IPSAS Fundamentals Programme
Accrual IPSAS Training, as well as other Client Specific Programmes
In additional to these suite of IPSAS Training Offerings, we also offer a Bespoke IPSAS Training option for clients who will want a mix of the different modules available.
Executive Training Courses/Study Tour
Our Executive Training programmes – including Study Tours of similar entities adopting IPSAS covers:
Overview of Leading PFM Reforms
Introduction to IPSAS and Benefits of its Adoption
IPSAS Implementation Challenges – Practical Experiences
Discussions on the Implementation of IPSAS in Nigeria
Country Experience on IPSAS Implementation
Project Managing IPSAS
IPSAS Fundaments Programme
This programme is designed accountants who will be involved in the operation of the client’s accounting system. The programme covers:
Introduction to IPSAS
The National Chart of Accounts
Budgeting with IPSAS – The Programme Based Budgeting
Analysis of the General Purpose Financial Statement (GPFS)
Auditing in an IPSAS Environment – Implication for Auditors
Automation of the Accounting System
Accrual IPSAS Training
Like our IPSAS Fundamentals Programme, the Accrual IPSAS Training, is designed for accountants that will be directly involved in driving the client’s account function. However, in this case, the focus is on an Accrual Accounting System, and the modules will include:
Introduction to the Concept of Accrual Accounting
Accounting for Revenue and Receivables
Accounting for Expenditure and Payables
Accounting for Property, Plant and Equipment (PPE) – Including Service Concession Assets
Accounting for Intangible Assets
Accounting for Inventories
Accounting for Leases
Related Issues (Miscellaneous) – Including Guideline for 1st Time Adoption
* The Cert IPSAS option is available for participants on our Accrual IPSAS Programme